Hi, I’m Laurence Lillvik and I made this website as a sort of umbrella to capture all the creative projects I’ve been involved in. I like when things online are nice and tidy.
In traditional biographical terms I was born in Hawaii in 1973. I was raised and schooled in New Jersey (sharing a zip code with Asbury Park.) Yeah my parents left Hawaii when I was 2!
I have spent my adult years in Portland, Oregon.
October 2025 will mark 30 years since I landed here under frosty skies.
I’ve been making ends meet by working at public libraries since 2003. It’s nice to be surrounded by books even though their numbers are dwindling.
In order to stay sane I am making music, writing poems, recording poems, writing stories, making zines, making collages, sending mail art, painting paintings, making mixed cassettes, and writing newsletters.
If you’re reading this maybe you’ve enjoyed something I’ve made. That’s supper awesome. You can always send me an email, I love email. I love to collaborate. -Laurence ([email protected])